At Entelechy, we strive for best practice and endeavour to provide our clients with the best possible service. To this end, we encourage your comments and feedback to improve our systems and our service. If you are an existing client, please feel free to complete the client satisfaction survey to provide more detailed feedback and ideas to help us bring you a better experience at Entelechy.
The complaints via your practitioner or Clinical Reception Staff. If you have a complaint about an administrative matter, the way your enquiry was handled or the clinical services provided you can do so writing to, call 0407 837787 to speak to the Principal Psychologist, or fill in the online complaints form.
policy sets out how you can make a complaint and have your concerns addressed. We regularly review our services, policy and complaints collection, handling and resolution regularly and with all due care. You can access ourFair and Reasonable Treatment
We aim to investigate and resolve complaints fairly and efficiently. All those making a complaint will be treated fairly, with courtesy, consideration and respect. Most importantly, we will ensure we maintain impartiality, confidentiality and transparency when managing complaints. We will handle all records in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.
We recognise that some people have particular needs or require extra assistance in expressing a grievance or making a complaint. We will be flexible when dealing with complaints and use complaints handling methods that help us resolve issues as quickly as possible.
If you need assistance with English, you can telephone 131 450 for Translating and Interpreting Service National, which offers support for over 120 languages and dialects at any time of the day or night.
We seek to resolve complaints within 30 days of receiving the complaint whenever possible. If a complaint takes longer than this to resolve, for example, if it is a very sensitive or complex matter, we will be transparent in our communication of the process and estimated timelines for resolution.
Accountability and Reporting
All Psychologists and Clinical Reception Staff are aware of the service standards and procedures set out in our practice management and policy manual and the Charter for Clients of APS Psychologists. The Practice Manager will regularly review complaints received and action taken to resolve the complaint. If the issue raised cannot be resolved when receiving the complaint, we will document the complaint from beginning to resolution, maintaining details regarding decisions and actions taken.